Soy Emma Schmid, illustratora de Barcelona, ubicada en mi ciudad de orígen, después de vivir años en Panamá, Hamburg y NY.
En mi trabajo los personages hablan en voz alta, con fuerza, en tono positivo. Me interesa transmitir emociones con las que empatizamos.
El color es parte importante y define mi universo creativo.
Mi trabajo contagia alegría y buen humor!
Lifestyle. Ilustración narrativa. Editorial. Album infantil. Publicidad. Producto.
I am an illustrator based on Barcelona, after having lived in Hamburg, Panama and New York.
My colorful style raises your mood and brings you a smile!
My work is an instant happy maker!
Friendly characters that speak loudly, they are FUN and positive,
talking about lifestyle, urban people, places and mood.
Color plays an important part, it completely defines my work.
I have been drawing extensively for publishing, advertisement, brands,
magazines, greeting cards, toys.. with worldwide commissioned work.
Lifestyle/narrative illustration. Editorial. Picture books. Advertising. Product.