
Catalan Arts

Natàlia Garriga
Minister for Culture, Government of Catalonia

This is an extraordinary time for the Catalan illustration sector. Illustrators work all over the world, their works are presented at major international fairs and receive prestigious awards. Now, as has happened historically, we have an impressive number of names of our own in the field of illustration and visual narrative that are receiving international recognition and whose works are regularly published in Catalan and other languages, in very different media but which are distinguished by an indisputable stamp: quality.

In this spirit, I am delighted to present this virtual catalogue, a showcase of samples of the work of Catalan illustrators that aims to foster knowledge and professional exchange in this global, digital field. I would like to highlight the architecture of this new tool, as it streamlines users' browsing experience and makes it easier to discover the artists. This is thanks, in particular, to the by-speciality search engine, which provides a shortcut to all types of content.

This new catalogue has an easy-to-use and intuitive design that was conceived with its professional target users in mind. Likewise, it adapts seamlessly to a range of devices to ensure proper viewing across the board. It is also attractive, featuring a contemporary aesthetic designed to give maximum prominence to the images, which are the real calling cards of the creators who form part of this compendium.

Illustration is a craft and vocational profession that brings art to young and old, using dozens of techniques applied to the service of a greater objective, which is none other than to tell a story, share an experience and move the reader or spectator.

We are aware of the vast amount of extremely solid talent that we export in this field, and we are certain that this new tool for rapid, universal and open access will make it possible to showcase even more effectively the excellent work of so many poster designers, cartoonists, children's illustrators and comic book authors who act as cultural ambassadors for Catalonia around the world.

Catalan Arts

Catalan Arts is the Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies’ brand for the internationalisation of the Catalan cultural and creative companies. ICEC is a public institution of the Government of Catalonia's Ministry of Culture and via our network of offices in Europe (Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, London and Paris) we work on a variety of lines of action to connect, mentor and support creative companies in their international journey.

To this end, Catalan Arts works to strengthen Catalan companies' and their creative works' presence at international fairs and key professional events such as Bologna, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Guadalajara Book Fairs.

We also offer a range of useful materials and resources to professionals based in Catalonia who want to develop their projects internationally, as well as to professionals from other countries looking for artistic productions and willing to establish contact with their creators and promoters.

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