Vaig néixer en un poble prop del mar en el nord de Catalunya. Vaig estudiar Belles Art a la Universitat de Barcelona, deprés de llicenciar-me vaig cursar el Graduat Superior en Disseny gráfic a l´escola Eina. Actualment visc a Barcelona on treballo en el meu propi estudi.
Tot el meu treball está inspirat en la natura, els animals i la llum mediterrania . Gaudeixo creant mons imaginaris on habiten els meus personatjes. Paisatjes i cels estrellats, on l´espectador pot entrar dins d´un món màgic.
Més info
I was born in a little village very near the sea in northwest of Spain. I moved to Barcelona to study Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, later I also studied Graphic Design. I´m currently based in Barcelona Working as a freelance designer and illustrator.
All my work are inspired by nature, animals, and the mediterranean light of my natal region. I enjoy creating magical and imaginary worlds where there are my animals, and landscapes and where the viewer can travel to a dream world.
Watercolor is the main material I work with, then I also use crayons, pencils and inks. I love working with watercolors because this material allows me to experiment with color spots, play with very watery strokes and layers of paint and especially for its transparency.