Vaig néixer en un poble prop del mar en el nord de Catalunya. Vaig estudiar Belles Art a la Universitat de Barcelona, deprés de llicenciar-me vaig cursar el Graduat Superior en Disseny gráfic a l´escola Eina. Actualment visc a Barcelona on treballo en el meu propi estudi.
Tot el meu treball está inspirat en la natura, els animals i la llum mediterrania . Gaudeixo creant mons imaginaris on habiten els meus personatjes. Paisatjes i cels estrellats, on l´espectador pot entrar dins d´un món màgic.
Més info
I was born in a little village very near the sea in northwest of Spain. I moved to Barcelona to study Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, later I also studied Graphic Design. I´m currently based in Barcelona Working as a freelance designer and illustrator.
All my work are inspired by nature, animals, and the mediterranean light of my natal region. I enjoy creating magical and imaginary worlds where there are my animals, and landscapes and where the viewer can travel to a dream world.
Watercolor is the main material I work with, then I also use crayons, pencils and inks. I love working with watercolors because this material allows me to experiment with color spots, play with very watery strokes and layers of paint and especially for its transparency.
Obra destacada
Obra destacada
Obra destacada
Obra destacada
Puffer fish
Magic trip on a paper airplane
Fox in the deep
Ocean life