Documentalist, urban sketcher and illustrator living near Barcelona. I love illustrating poetry and designing surface patterns . I have some selfedited books for children and for adults: "Quadern de Nova York" (facsimile of the sketch book I used in my trip to New York), "Voy a dormir" (illustrations for the last poem of Alfonsina Storni), "El tapís de la vida" (about death of beloved ones), Surt de la closca, matrioska / 4 cadires (illustrations for poems of Montse Flores) , and "Libro del ictus" (illustrations for poems written by Wencesalo Galán during his hospital stay due to a stroke).
Premi Montepio (amb el Col·lectiu Peste Alta)
Manresa, 2021
I ara què en faig d'aquest cor?
Rubí, Llibreria Lectors al tren, 2018
Col·lectiva del Col·lectiu d'il·lustradors de Rubí City
Rubí, Ull per ull, 2020