"drawing enthusiast with studies in animation and computer engineering. Gradually, discovers his vocation and decides to invest more time enjoying the passion for the pencil. Including mediums as graphite, charcoal, pastel, painting, 3D and digital art.
His creations are specialized in the artistic field of drawing and figurative realism. Without rejecting other mediums and techniques.
Portraits and nature can be perceived as his passions.
Currently working in the video games industry."
Unfinished Pixel
Cultural Center Guinardo
Yo ilustro la ciencia, Illustraciencia
Barcelona, 2016
Drawing and Nature
Barcelona, 2016
Encounters with Science,
Cultural scope El Corte Inglés Málaga, 2020
Modportrait 2020
Meam Museum Barcelona, 2020
Illustraciencia 8 2021
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Madrid, 2021
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Super Soccer Blast America vs Europe Videogame
Aranya Llop, Illustraciencia 8
Granota i libèl·lula Dibuix al Manual de ilustración científica
Super Soccer Blast UI Il·lustracions
Anarchy Missing Dibuix Llibre
More resources less clapping, Dibuix finalista Modportrait 2020