I was born amidst the sounds of plates and cooking pots of la Fonda in 1973. Since I was young I liked history and art. When I grew up I graduated in Art History for UAB. I have done many illustration classes in Massana’s school, painting classes in the Art School of Sanvicens and comic classes in Femart school in Barcelona.
I work combining these two jobs; historian and illustrator. I have done research books, scripts and some scenographies like illustrations for institutions, editorial, town councils, cultural organizations and television.
Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona
Televisió de Catalunya (TV3)
Cavall Fort
Ajuntament de Tarragona
Editorial Cossetània
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
El joc del Seguici. Joc on-line
Ofrena al larari de la domus. MNAT
Forum de Roma . "Operació Tecla"
Louis XIV
Birrem romà. "Atles del Port de Tarragona"
Urbs de Tàrraco. "Atles del Port de Tarragona"