La Llegendària collects myths, legends and curiosities of the Catalan territory. It seeks to promote the research of conceptuality in the traditional stories that have reached the present day in order to create new images and continue with the propagation of the traditional stories of Catalan culture during the coming years.
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This project is born from the project La Gironina, the route of myths and legends of Girona, the illustrated tourist guide presented as the final work of studies at the Escola d'Art d'Olot. He has been a finalist in the XXII Salvador Reixach Awards (2022), awarded by the Patronat d'Estudis Històrics d'Olot and Comarca de la Garrotxa and has received an Honorable Mention from the Generalitat de Catalunya in the resolution of the Extraordinary Awards for Professional Artistic Education of Catalonia in the areas of Plastic Arts and Design corresponding to the 2021-2022 academic year.
The Legendary is promoted by the communicator and illustrator Neus Ponsetí i Cervera (1995). Formed by the degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Girona (2017), an Erasmus+ in Graphic and Advertising Communication at the Haute École Albert Jacquard in Namur (Belgium, 2017), a postgraduate degree in Illustration at the BAU Center University and Design in Barcelona (2018) and a Higher Cycle at the Art School of Olot (2022); has exhibited her work at the Les Bernardes Cultural Center in Salt as a volunteer for the Te n’aDONES Research Project? From Clara Navarro, and in several exhibitions (individual and collective) at the Chapel of Sant Sebastià, of Sant Pere Pescador.
Associació Cultural La Volta
Finalista als XXII Premis Salvador Reixach
Patronat d’Estudis Històrics d’Olot i Comarca de la Garrotxa, 2022
Menció d'honor de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Premis Extraordinaris dels Ensenyaments Artístics Professionals de Catalunya
Àmbits d’Arts Plàstiques i Disseny, 2021-22
Embruixos, plantes i llegendes
Girona, 2023
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Guia turística La Gironina
Mapa il·lustrat de Girona
Cartell de Fires de Sant Narcís
Col·lecció de postals Girona