I am a Barcelona-based illustrator with almost 30 years experience in the publishing world. I have illustrated a wide range of publications, including illustrated fiction books, textbooks, articles for some magazines, as well as illustrations for board games and as commissions for graphic designers. I have also worked in television, producing five episodes of a children’s series for a Catalan broadcaster. Furthermore, I have been writing and illustrating my own books since 2009. I make animations in order to see how my drawings move
Recently I have been developing and working with a new collage-based technique which offers many possibilities related to shadow, light, texture and even movement. I combine this with the graphic language I have developed over the years and I believe the combination creates a compelling and unique creative visual solution for my clients.
Some of my clients, publishing houses, magazines and others:
Arola Editors, Baula Santillana, Castellnou Edicions, Cossetània Edicions, Cruïlla, Edebé, Enciclopèdia Catalana / La Galera, Edicions Cadí, Edicions Bromera, Editorial Casals, Editorial Mediterrània, Grup Promotor, Planeta, Lectio Ediciones, Larousse, Oxford University Press, Proteus, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, Stampa Alternativa/Nuovi Equilibri, Santillana,Viena Edicions.
Cavall Fort, El Temps, NAT, Derecho a Saber (ARAG), Editur, Tecno Hotel, Pin y Pon (Salvat Editores), Salud y vida (La Vanguardia).
Imaginarium, TV3 (Catalan broadcaster), Tritó S.L
- Biblioteca Barceloneta-La Fraternitat (Barcelona), classes de còmic
- Col·laboració amb el programa "Una mà de contes", del canal Super3 de TV3
- Ajuntament de Barcelona, cartells
- Museu Etnològic de Barcelona, il·lustracions