Tamara Hernández Ledesma (Manresa, 1982) has a degree in Fine Arts from the UB (University of Barcelona), a degree in Audiovisual realization with a multimedia profile by EMAV (Barcelona School of Audiovisual Media) and she is an artistic bookbinder by EASD Llotja (Barcelona). She has also conducted other training courses, such as at the French animation school La Poudrière (Valence), has conducted binding practices in Belgium and has recently participated in the artist-in-residence program of the SIM Residency (Reykjavík, Iceland, 2020).
Her interests move in the field of Art, surrounding the world of book, illustration, photography, cinema, animation and all the techniques that allow her to express herself.
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For a few years, embroidery and textile art have also become part of their formation and creation, especially through experimentation. And it must be added that nature and anthropology have always been of interest to her, in addition to recent work that has a link to the landscape or to other more holistic aspects.
Since 2008 she has been working as a Visual and Plastic Education teacher in secondary schools and since recently she is part of the new AAVCC (Association of Visual Artists of Central Catalonia) recently founded, with the position of secretary.
Taula de les Arts Visuals de la Catalunya Central (TAVCC)
Ajuntament de Manresa
DO Pla de Bages
Fundació AMPANS (Bages)
Editorial Cruïlla (Barcelona)
Finalista al Festival Animainzón (Ainzón, Zaragoza), amb el videoclip "Cargol"
Animació, ficció (2013)
Finalista al Metropol’His (Hospitalet de Llobregat), amb el curtmetratge "La carta".
Curtmetratge d'animació (2011)
Finalista al Festival Visualsound (Barcelona), amb el curtmetratge "La carta".
Curtmetratge d'animació (2011)
Finalista al Festival Visualsound (Barcelona), amb el curtmetratge "Cap x avall"..
Curtmetratge d'animació (2010)
Segon premi al Festival Animainzón (Ainzón, Zaragoza), amb el curtmetratge d'animació "Mar de tierra".
Curtmetratge d'animació (temàtica vinícola), (2010).
“Dones transitant” , at the Centre Cívic de la Barceloneta (Barcelona)
March 2021, Barcelona.
September Group show, SIM Residency (Reykjavík, Iceland)
September 2020, Reykjavík (Iceland).
“Brodat printemps” . This work was part of an artistic action that I did in the Bookstore Papers (Manresa, Barcelona), to welcome the spring. (Manresa, Barcelona).
2016 March, Manresa (Barcelona).
“Enrebessats” at Centre Cívic Matas i Ramis (Barcelona), at Centre Cívic del Carmel (Barcelona), at Espai Putxet (Barcelona).
2013, different spaces, Barcelona.
“Sentiments perennes i caducifolis”. Galeria El mall, at Raval (Barcelona)
2012, Barcelona.
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
"Buzzing pages" (2021)
"Jugant amb els angelets" (from a serie about the four seasons, summer in this case. 2021)
"Dona èter" (illustrated book, autopublished, 2020)
"La casa dels peixos" (Illustrated album, non published, 2016)
"L'arbre de fum" (Illustrated book writted by Nathalie Pons and published by Ed. Cruïlla (Barcelona, 2014)