He has illustrated more than a hundred books, published by leading publishers and translated into several languages, as well as drawing regularly in many regular publications, especially those for children and/or young people. In addition to books, he has illustrated for posters, advertising, packaging, press...
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Among recent awards won include the National Award for the Best Published Book (2019), International Compostela Prize for Picture Books (2018), International Benicarló Prize for Picture Books (2020), Junceda Awards (2013) or VEGAP Proposals (2013).
In the world of cinema, he has been the co-director of the Reus European Short Film Festival FEC Festival since its beginnings, in 1998 until 2018. The FEC Festival was a benchmark event for contemporary short filmmaking in Europe during all that years.
He is currently teaching illustration at ILLA School of Art in Sabadell. He also has been Vice-President of the Catalonia Professional Association of Illustrators - APIC (2005-2012), member of the Executive Committee of the Catalan Council for Children’s and Young People’s Books - CLIJCat (2005-2012) & Head of the Illustration Department of ILLA School of Art (2000-2017).
Premio Internacional Compostela de Álbum ilustrado
Premio Nacional al Mejor Libro Editado
Premi Internacional d'Àlbum Il·lustrat Ciutat de Benicarló
Premio Frei Martin Sarmiento al Mejor Libro Infantil
Premi Junceda
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Cándido y los demás (Ed. Kalandraka, 2018)
La gran Festa (Onada Edicions, 2021)
Se busca culpable (Ed. Libre Albedrío, 2020)
FEC Festival (2016)
Saló del llibre infantil i juvenil de Catalunya (2014)