LaRa GOMBAU, illustrator and muralist, is characterized by the ability to integrate into all types of environments, supports and registers, capturing the essence of each project.
The academic base of it has been quite varied. He has studied in different art centers, highlighting: Esardi (Amposta), Llotja school (Barcelona), and escola de la Dona (Barcelona), and in various branches of art: graphic design, illustration and graffiti, having had the pleasure of being student of artists like Roger Olmos and Lily Brick.
LaRa GOMBAU, illustrator and muralist, is characterized by the ability to integrate into all types of environments, supports and registers, capturing the essence of each project.
The academic base of it has been quite varied. He has studied in different art centers, highlighting: Esardi (Amposta), Llotja school (Barcelona), and escola de la Dona (Barcelona), and in various branches of art: graphic design, illustration and graffiti, having had the pleasure of being student of artists like Roger Olmos and Lily Brick.
As an illustrator I have participated in group and individual exhibitions, in some American galleries such as Benjamin Peter Gallery, and in many spaces on the peninsula, of which the following stand out: the Catalonia Handicraft Center, the Editorial Proa Espías, the Erotic Hall of Levante, the Mitte Gallery, the Aktivitat Gallery….
As a muralist, several festivals stand out where he has been able to leave his mark: WAC from Poblenou Urban District, Paint Jam from Secret Walls, Femmgraff from Bocanord, No Callo at Teatre Arnau Gallery, While You Live Vibra from Encuentro Paredes, National Graffiti League, MOVIC , Pista Negra, Bloom Art Festival, Esperanzah Festival, Daniel Magrané Institute-School, BadajozPinta ...
She also highlights other large-scale mural works developed for individuals and entities, such as: “Remendadores d’ un poble menut ”,
which can be enjoyed in Las Casas de Alcanar.
Radio Alcanar
Logotip, 2017
Cartell Promocional, Festes quinquennals 2014, Ajuntament d’Alcanar
Cartell, 2013
III Concurs de Pintura Ràpida, Consell Comarcal del Montsià,
Pintura ràpida, 2009
Exposició d’il•lustracions “Cuentaviname” (3ºpart)
Museu Terracota de La Galera , 2021
Exposició skate artístics “Secret walls, on boards”,
Galeria Aktivitat de Barcelona, 2016
Exposició d’il•lustracions “Gentle Squirrels”
Benjamin Peters Gallery de Nova York, 2012
Exposició artística “25º Aniversari Escola Llotja”
Centre d’Artesania de Catalunya de Barcelona, 2012
Exposició col.lectiva d’il•lustracions "Sense Project"
Galeria Mitte, Barcelona 2013