Mercè M. Tarrés (Valentintada, 1975) is an illustrator, designer and drawing teacher. She has illustrated essay books such as "Els amos del Pg. de Gràcia" (Pol·len, 2019), "Free, fair and alive. The insurgent power of the commons" (New Society Publishers -EN- 2019, Icària -ES- 2020, Transcript -DE- 2020). He has ongoing projects for children's albums such as "The long journey of the rainbow" and "The serpent of Santa Fe" (with Noè Rivas, Edicions Salòria -2021). She normally cooperates with the coop newspaper, coop culture space La Llibreteria de Gelida, eco-server and currently works on various web, audiovisual, mural and participatory workshop projects.
Guerrilla Translation
Mercè Rius (pottery master)
Pol·len edicions
Ajuntament de Gelida
La gràfica incòmoda
Massana (BCN), 2019
Art Km.0
La Llibreteria, Gelida (BCN), 2020
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
Outstanding work
El llarg viatge de l'Arc de Sant Martí
El llarg viatge de l'Arc de Sant Martí
La serp de Santa Fe (Edicions Salòria)
La serp de Santa Fe (Edicions Salòria)
Ateneus Cooperatius supplement cover (La Directa)